everything about your dogs

Product Review....The Chubbs Bar

I like following the NCGIA's facebook page and their website.
That is the National Cat Groomers Institute of America.

Anyway, there has been a lot of  talk about 'The Chubbs Bar'.
So, I finally order some to try them out.

 They came yesterday, right before we closed for the day.

Too late to try.

So, I had to wait to try them today.

I ordered the coconut scented ones.

The scent is very  pleasant and mild.

The Chubbs Bars were developed for bathing cats, but can also be used on dogs and other animals.

The Chubbs Bar is a degreaser.

I didn't have any cats to try the bar on, so this is the first dog that I used it on.

 I watered the dog down first and then started rubbing the bar all over the dog.

The lather came up almost immediately.

I will admit that I did drop the bar about three times before I got the hang of holding it and rubbing the dog at the same time. :)

 I have to say that I really liked how fast the bar lathered up and how easy it was to move around the dog.

Just add a little water and spread the lather around.

I liked how there was no waste of shampoo dripping off of the dog as I was applying it.

I think that it would be great if other shampoo companies made their shampoos in bar form too.

Look at all of the nice suds.

I only needed to give this dog one bath and he was squeaky clean.

I am so sorry that I do not have a picture of what this dog looked like after I dried him.

I can't believe that I totally forgot to take a picture.

 However, I did remember to take a before and after the bath picture of this dog.

We only used the Chubbs bar on this dog and no other shampoo.

 This is after the bath, with the Chubbs Bar, and blow dry.

I was pleasantly surprised that the bar got this dogs creme coat so bright without us using any whitening shampoo.

Some groomers may like that the smell of the shampoo bar was so light and mild that it left no smell on the dog.

The dog was very clean, there was just no Oder in the hair at all.

I have to admit that I like to smell a dog after the bath, and smell the pleasant sent of the shampoo that I used.
That's just me.

 We used the Chubbs Bar through out the day, and rinsed it off after each dog.

This is what is left of the bar after one days use.  

We did use the bar with other shampoos on some of the dogs.

Yes, we did use almost half of the bar!

I do like the Chubbs Bar shampoo and will buy more.
I can't wait to try some of the other scents.
I can not wait to try it on cats.

You can go to the Chubbs Bar website and watch a demonstration video.
Also, they are offering a FREE trial size bar right now.
Try it for yourself. :)

I do not work for the Chubb's company, nor am I a spokesmen for  them.
I am an everyday groomer giving my opinion on a product that I have tried.
