everything about your dogs

A Lecture

I got a lecture from my daughter last night.
She wanted to know why I had not been blogging lately.
She knew why I had stopped for a couple of weeks, but did not know why I had not started up again.

I could not 100% tell her why.
It has been a hard past 6 months starting with the loss of my Mom.
The  family drama that went on after that.
A busy Holiday season.
Bookkeeping and corporate taxes.
A family and mothers fears of her son joining the military.
An unbelievably crazy winter with many missed work days.

Then, to top everything off, the loss of my dear father-in-law this past week.
Such a very sweet, tender heart man who loved his wife, sons, and grandchildren so very much.
One of the best father-in-laws there ever was.
He will be dearly missed.

So, as I said before, my daughter lectured me about getting back to writing my blog.
Reminding me about how much I enjoyed writing it and taking pictures.
She told me to write again to help me get out of my funk.

I have been warned....
Warned that if, in a couple of days, I don't start blogging again I will be getting another lecture.

Okay....so.....when exactly did I turn into the kid and her the mother?

I don't want another lecture.
I don't like them.
I want to get out of this funk.
So, I am going to make an attempt to get back to blogging.

My daughter also wants me to get back to telling my grooming stories, not just grooming how-to's.
She wants me to tell the stories of some of our crazy grooming days and grooming customers.
I have been told that my blog became boring after I stopped talking about customers.
We will see, I have no desire for a customer to miss understand, or get offended by something I write and get upset.

Of course, that is if anyone is still reading my blog. lol

Here is a before and after from my day today.

Here is a Yorkie/Poo.
Yes, I said Yorkie/Poo.
And yes, I corrected the owners.
They had been told by the rescue that he was a Yorkie Poodle mix.

Oh come on now, you can see the Yorkie in him, can't you?

I wish I had gotten a better picture of his head.

I swear it didn't look chopped up over the ear when I was finished like it does in the picture.

I know it didn't, even though just looking at this picture makes me have this over whelming feeling that I want comb out the head to check the dog again. lol
