everything about your dogs

Everything You Need To Know About Dog Allergies

Dogs have always been considered a human's best friend ever since they were domesticated several years ago. They are intelligent and if well-trained, dogs can do almost anything. Over the years, reports of dogs saving people, especially children, have been all over the news. For their good nature therefore, dogs should be well-bred. However, one grave challenge that dog owners face is dog allergies.

Dogs are not like human beings who can easily identify what they are allergic to and find the necessary medication for the allergy. For dogs, it is up to the owner to figure out what the dog is allergic to and the symptoms for its allergy. There are four common dog allergies. These are categorized as food, flea, contact and atopic allergies.

For each, a dog will exhibit certain symptoms which a good owner can understand and interpret easily. Dog allergy symptoms include itching, raw paws, sneezing and diarrhea.

Itching is the most profound symptom of dog allergies. The most common areas you will find your dog itching are the abdomen, the paws, face, ears, hindquarters, groin and back. Almost each part that the dog tries to scratch or lick always points to a distinct allergy. If the itching does not stop, the pet could have sores on its body which will eventually be filled with pus and that could be fatal.

Flea allergy usually results in the dog licking or trying to scratch the hindquarters and the back. These allergic reactions are usually triggered by the flea's saliva. Contact allergy on the other hand will be exhibited by the dog excessively itching in areas with less hair cover like the armpits and the abdomen. Atopic allergy, also known as inhalant-related allergy, will also result in the pet trying to scratch its face, feet and even chest.

Raw paws also symbolize that the pet is allergic to something. Usually, when the dog scratches and bites its feet a lot, the paws turns reddish brown. Sometimes the paws could even be bloody.
Of all the symptoms, sneezing is the clearest symptom of atopic allergy. However, on rare cases, this could mean that your dog is suffering from contact allergy. When the dog sneezes, there is usually a clear discharge from the eyes or the nose.

Diarrhea is often a symptom for many dog diseases. However, it also shows that your dog is suffering from food allergies. If you suspect the dog is suffering from this allergy, you should the change its diet and check whether it will improve. Feeding your dog food rich in minerals, vitamins and fatty acids will definitely help in fighting this allergy.

To prevent contact and flea allergies you should wash your dog occasionally with cool water and shampoo with Aloe Vera and eucalyptus to relieve the itching. Grooming and brushing your dog regularly, changing its toys and the sleeping area will also be effective in fighting the flea allergy. If the symptoms persist, you should contact a veterinarian because it could be more than just dog allergy.
