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Puppy Biting Remedies

Puppy Biting Remedies

The Dog Bite Law website reports that in 2007 there were 33 fatal dog attacks in the United States. Each day emergency rooms treat over 1,000 people for dog bites. If you are the proud owner of a puppy, it is your responsibility to make sure that your dog doesn't contribute to the increase of these dog-bite statistics. Training your pup from a very young age, as young as eight weeks, is the best way to prevent any future behavioral problems.

Behavior-Modification Techniques

    All puppies bite; it is part of their nature. Teething puppies are especially prone to biting. To teach a puppy that biting is wrong and to prevent future dog-biting problems, you will have to discipline it from the very start. If you are playing with your puppy and it gets excited to the point where it starts to bite, pull away. Stop all play and firmly tell it, "No biting!" before walking away and ignoring it. After a few minutes you can return and play with your pup again. If it bites again, walk away again. This will give your puppy the message that biting is not acceptable and stops all the fun. If after several attempts your pup still nips at you, separate yourself from your pet by putting up a baby gate or placing it in a dog crate. The puppy might be agitated and in need of a nap or a time-out. "...Many individuals consider that it must be essential to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Many people might discover this exciting but a lot of people might recognize that this is a great tip to follow. The condition with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to take care of them. Eventually, they would abandon their pets in order to reestablish their past lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they have to deal with and if they have the time to educate their dogs. These tips will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By taking the time to perform proper dog training, you will take pleasure in a lifetime of comfortable a relationship with your ".... Remember to always discourage unacceptable behavior and encourage good behavior. Always be consistent when disciplining.

Additional Methods To Manage Biting Puppies

    To stop your pup from biting you can try putting on gloves coated with a foul tasting substance. Each time it bites you, it will notice the foul taste and will associate it with biting. This may get your pup to stop the behavior. Another way is to pull the puppy's leash firmly each time he bites. This method should only be practiced on pups over six months old. Spraying your pup with water or making noise by shaking a can filled with rocks each time he bites may also work. You pup has to learn the strength and damage of his bite. This way if he does bite, he will be able to control himself.

Puppy Obedience School

    If all your attempts to control your pup's biting seem to fail, you can look into a puppy obedience school. There professionals will discipline your puppy for you and get it to understand that biting is wrong. All negative behavior will be corrected, and they will also teach your pup to obey orders. To find a certified dog training facility in your area, use the Association of Pet Dog Trainers search tool referenced in the resources section of this article.

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