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Got Celery Juice?!

Maybe you should.

I was told I needed to be on blood pressure twice in the last 7 years. I fought it hard but I did end up deciding to go on medication both times, I also employed many other tactics because I did not want to be on blood pressure medication in my 30’s. I know that once you are put on this type of medication, often you never go off.  I mean if I can just take a pill then why should I do anything that requires work? I used to feel that way to.

By adding celery juice to my daily routine, I was able to get my blood pressure to a normal level and come off medication both times. Yeah, yeah yeah, I know, I didn't keep up with it the first time along with the other things I needed to do so the blood pressure shot up again. Welcome to the human race where things are complicated at best. It sure does feel amazing to make changes, stick with it and see results!

Celery is thought by many to be the #1 food to lower blood pressure. In addition to a lot of water, celery has magnesium, potassium, calcium and 3-n-butyl phthalide or chemicals that help keep our circulatory system healthy. Did you know celery seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and are rich in iron and vitamins?

I think you will be surprised how great eating or juicing this super food will make you feel! I do love to eat celery but my TMJ is quite opposed so juicing for me makes the most sense.

Here is a cup of celery juice with a touch of cilantro!

clean eating #juicing #celery #vegan #green #juice whole food
Adding a bit of granny smith apple and lemon is really tasty too. I do not use a juicer so I just use my good old blender. Here is my favorite recipe:

 Celery Juice:
-3 stalks celery
-¼ of a granny smith apple
-1 TBLS fresh cilantro (strong antioxidant)
-Juice from ½ a lemon
-1/2 cup of water

Add the ingredients to the blender and blend on high until it is liquid. You can drink it as is or you can strain it through a fine mesh strainer. If the taste is too strong for you at first, drink it fast. If you need motivation, have your college buddies over to chant "Chug, chug, chug!" This will surely work.

Any day that I juice I just feel better. Your body loves nutrients and by juicing your body can use the nutrients much more quickly and completely. Fresh juice has vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, carbs, proteins and all kinds of other good stuff!

What are your favorite fruits and veggies to juice?
