everything about your dogs

BeerDog's Bitter

BeerDog’s Bitter is a “beer” made for dogs as its Brew Master felt that his pooch Isaac was missing out on the joys of a refreshing cold beer on those hot summer days.

Of course, alcohol is poisonous to dogs and we would never recommend serving any to your dog. You can be reassured that this product contains no preservatives, no alcohol, no hops and is therefore completely safe for dogs.

It is brewed using a premium, all-natural beef flavour (beef stock), paired with a rich dark malted barley and infused with a gentle carbonation. The level of carbonation is low enough to avoid canine bloat when the beer is consumed in moderation.

Suggestions for serving it to your pooch are to shake the bottle a bit to create a better head but as with a normal “human” beer, it all depends on taste. You can serve it at room temperature, chilled or even warm it up to serve in winter.

The manufacturer advises that you could safely drink it as all ingredients are human-grade but you may not be into bovine flavours and this beer was designed for a canine’s palate.

Make sure the bowl you use is different to your dog’s regular water or food bowl, so they get to know the difference. 

As with any food, pour only a tiny swig at the start and not the whole bottle. This is meant to be a treat or a supplement to their normal drinking water and not a meal replacement. 

Don’t serve it at regular meal times or instead of food – think like a human and serve as a refreshment after exercise, on a hot day, or as an in-between-meals drink.

You will probably find some sediments at the bottom of the bottle and this is perfectly normal.

Once opened a bottle can be kept in the fridge (with a proper closure) for up to 3 days.


RRP: $9 for a 2-pack (330ml bottle) or a $48 for a 12-pack

To buy online or to find stockists nationally, please visit www.beerdogsbrewhouse.com.au
