everything about your dogs

Wanna Talk About Your Dog's Diarrhea?

Updated 10/29/2015 - Added Video I made: Your Dog's Diarrhea & Digestive Health 

Wanna talk about your dog's diarrhea?

If you know me, you know I love my dogs. They are family.

I know most people feel the same way and that's why I want to share a home remedy I use with my puppers that is so effective!

Gut health is all the rage right? People are talking about poop constantly and why not? Looking at your poop can tell you so much. Same for your dog!

Let's talk about diarrhea! I can't spell diarrhea without looking it up....just so you know. Google says:

a condition in which feces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form.

synonyms: loose stools; informal the runs, the trots, the squirts, Montezuma's revenge, turista; dysentery; archaicthe flux
"an outbreak of diarrhea in the camp"

dog poop sick stomach pumpkin diarrhea
Does your dog have the runs? Come on, you can tell me!
The easiest and quickest way to get them back to more solid poo is to give them some Organic Pumpkin Puree. I would just caution you to make sure it says 100% pure pumpkin on the can since the pumpkin pie one looks almost identical.

I simply open a small can, spoon out a TBLS or so and let them lick it off the spoon or put it in their bowl. Never met a dog that didn't like it! Both my dogs weigh around 90 pounds so if you have a smaller dog you may want to reduce it to a tsp or less.

I do not pretend to have any type of training as a Vet. You know your pet. The pumpkin works for my dogs and for mild cases. If you think your dog has anything beyond a mild tummy ache I would recommend getting your furry friend to a Vet NOW. 

That is my puppy, laying on the bathroom floor, how fitting for this topic don’t you think?

What home remedies do you use to help a puppy with a mild tummy upset?

I made a video about Your Dog's Diarrhea & Digestive Health. I talk about lots of ways you can help your puppers with their tummy issues. Check it out !

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