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Peppermint Mochas for 2

You can enhance beverages with Essential Oils to make them out of this world! Yes you can! Let's talk about it!

Peppermint takes me back. When I was growing up, my mom seemed to always have peppermint in her purse in some candy form or another. She would give me a mint for my tummy. Moms are smart, prepared and mine in particular always had what I needed. Often times, I needed a mint and she did not disappoint! Imagine my surprise when I learned about Young Living Essential Oils and how great Peppermint is for digestion!

peppermint mocha essential oils young living whole food real food chocolate coffee
I'll admit it, I love fancy coffee drinks from those popular coffee shops. I love them all, frozen, iced, sweet, not sweet, I love them all. Did I say that already? But I am just not willing to pay an average of $6 a day to get one! So for the last decade, I would watch others drink them and mostly only get one if work was buying it for us. I'm not saying I never splurged but it was on rare occasions.

When I started to incorporate Young Living Essential Oils into my cooking a couple years ago and I started seeing all kinds of posts about how we should brace ourselves because everything Pumpkin Spice was coming, that got me thinking about how I could make specialty coffee drinks at home.

My step-daughter is a big fan of peppermint and loves a fancy coffee drink like me. We both heart coffee and we could go on for days about chocolate! It only made sense we would start with Peppermint Mochas!

One of the first essential oils I ever experienced was Young Living's Peppermint. I immediately fell in love because the scent is so crisp and uplifting! When I need to focus or feel energized, I always grab for my bottle of Peppermint and take a big sniff. Getting the wonderful benefits through coffee and chocolate sounds like a brilliant idea, right?!

The first time I made these Peppermint Mochas, I was really impressed with myself! They were delicious and really easy to make. I think that when you make food and drink with your own hands and it comes from the heart, this is when we enjoy it the most. I like nothing better than to watch the joy in someone's eyes when I give them something to eat or drink that's homemade. Some of the most important conversations we have in life are had over food and drink! It's a bonding thing, a healing thing.

I am so happy to share my delicious recipe with you! It is special too because you can modify it in so many different ways to fit your particular way of eating!

Peppermint Mochas for 2


-16oz/2 cups brewed coffee
-1 cup whole milk
-3 TBLS chocolate syrup
-1 cup of whipped cream
-3 TBLS granulated sugar
-1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil
-1 piece of dark or white chocolate shaved/shredded


Put coffee in small pot on stove over low heat. Make chocolate milk by combining the milk and chocolate syrup. Pour into pot with coffee. Stir well. Let it heat through but do not let it boil.

Make your whipped cream while your coffee and chocolate milk mixture heats up.

Ensure you put your metal or glass bowl in the freezer for 10 mins or so before you make whipped cream.

     -1 cup heavy cream
     -3 TBLS granulated sugar
     -1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil

peppermint mocha essential oils young living whole food real food chocolate coffee
Put ingredients into your chilled bowl and beat with electric hand held mixer for 4-6 mins until you have the consistency you like.

Pour coffee into cups. Put whipped cream on top and shave dark or white chocolate over the top.

I used organic milk, cream and chocolate syrup. I try to use organic whenever possible but use what you've got.

You can use whatever dairy or dairy alternative you want. I have heard from many friends that making whipped cream from coconut milk is super easy and not to mention delicious! Make sure you choose the full fat option. Also instead of cow’s milk, use almond milk! Store bought is good but you can make it really easily at home!

You could sub decaf coffee or if you just wanted peppermint hot chocolate, you could switch out the coffee for milk and double or triple the chocolate syrup.

You can watch my video on how to make Peppermint Mochas below!

And as I read somewhere recently, remember to please save this precious planet, it's the only one with chocolate!

If you want more info on essential oil, click here!
