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DIY Dishwasher Detergent

diy, lemi shine, super washing soda, baking soda, young living, essential oils, bergamot, lavender, dishwasher detergent, chemical free, non-toxic, safe
A friend of mine made a great point recently. Make sure you are following your own message! If you say that TV will rot your brain but people come into your home and you have a 50” TV in every room your credibility might fly right out the window.

What is my message anyway? Eating real food, sharing food with others and chemical-free cleaning/living. Ok so that got me to thinking. What things am I still doing that are completely against this? 

I was still using those chemical laden dishwasher-cleaning pods! I didn’t even look them up on the EWG because I already knew they were bad. When you open your dishwasher after it beeps and you hold your breath or cover your face with your shirt to avoid the fumes, that is not non-toxic or chemical free air you are avoiding. :cough:cough: Ok no more dilly dallying!

I did a ton of research but was finding really complicated recipes or ones that just didn’t work. Finally I found one that just had baking soda and super washing soda plus essential oils that I thought would work great. 

Nope. Back to the drawing board. I found another recipe that included those 2 ingredients plus 2 more. I adjusted the measurements because there did not seem to be enough of the Lemi Shine. 
I am so excited to share the recipe to replace the last icky toxic cleaning product in my house!

DIY Dishwasher Detergent

-1 cup Baking soda (you can literally find this everywhere, go online for organic)
-1 cup Super Washing Soda (found at Wal-Mart, had to dig)
-1 cup Epsom salts (pretty much anywhere)
-2/3 cups Lemi Shine (only Wal-mart had it, also had to super dig)
-10-20 drops of essential oils (I used Young Living Bergamot and Lavender Essential Oils)

diy, lemi shine, super washing soda, baking soda, young living, essential oils, bergamot, lavender, dishwasher detergent, chemical free, non-toxic, safeDirections:
Dump in a bowl and combine well. Put in a mason jar for storage and label well. For each load of dishes use 2 TBLS. If you see any white spots or white film you need to adjust and add more Lemi Shine. I have had zero problems though and love the recipe!

You can use other Young Living essential oils besides Bergamot and Lavender. Purification is wonderful to add to DIY Cleaners because it gets the stink out. Purification gets odors out of anything stinky! Tea Tree and Citrus Fresh would also be perfect choices too. Or get fancy and combine a couple

Watch my video as I take you through my trial and error of coming up with the perfect recipe here:

Click here is the video for the first recipe I tried:

Check out the recipe I based mine on here!

If you know you want to purchase Young Living Essential Oils and are ready to get started now, click here!

I would love to be your Sponsor and help you on your oily journey!
If you want more info about these oils, click here!
