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Damn Your Hair Looks Nice-DIY Deep Conditioning Hair and Scalp Treatment

I made a YouTube video about my Homemade Shampoo and Conditioner recently. 

As I watched it later, I discovered my hair did not look great, on a video where I was talking about hair and trying to convince people natural is the way to go with your beauty and hygiene routine. Imagine my horror! It's not that my homemade hair care isn't working, it cleans and softens. I just needed something more.

I knew it was time for a haircut which would take care of about half of what was happening. But wow I needed a hair intervention so came up with a recipe to treat the mess I was calling hair. Why no, all the oil from my hair was not sucked out by some oil seeking alien race, why do you ask?

I started with the carrier/base oil. I used Olive Oil since I know my whole body likes it. Coconut oil makes my face break out so I am not trying to stick it on my scalp! My body likes it though. Bodies are strange and beautiful things.

I chose Cedarwood, Lavender and Lemon Essential Oils to throw in the mix since they are good for the skin and my body in particular loves them all. Cedarwood supports hair keeping it soft and strong. Lavender is supportive for all things skin and hair related. When in doubt for DIYs for beauty, this is my go-to. I chose Lemon mostly because I just wanted a touch of citrus and Lemon is a favorite.

DIY Deep Conditioning Hair and Scalp Treatment

-1/4 Cup Olive Oil(or Sweet Almond Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil or any darn oil your skin or hair enjoys)
-7 Drops Lavender Essential Oil (Order here!)
-4 Drops Cedarwood Essential Oil (Order here!)
-2 Drops Lemon Essential Oil (Order here!)
*I only use Young Living Essential Oils

cedarwood, lavender, hair treatment, lemon, essential oil, deep conditioning treatment, DIY hair treatment, dry hair treatment, homemade conditioner, scalp treatment, dry scalp, olive oil,
Heat Olive Oil in a small saucepan on medium-low heat until warm. We heat the oil because just like your pores open when you heat your skin, your hair will open up in much the same way allowing the moisture to penetrate deep into the hair shaft. In short, because Science.

Take off of the heat and add your essential oils. You should probably stir it for a sec. Now rub it all up in your hair and on your scalp. I put on gloves for this part but if you want to be a rebel and do this gloveless, you go right ahead fellow human. Your hair should have a good coating of the mix but not be dripping.

What I did:

-I have longer hair so I doubled this recipe. I had a touch left so put it next to my kitchen sink and had a nice moisturizing mix to rub all over my hands and arms anytime I washed those puppies.

-After applying the oil I just threw it up into a messy bun with a trusty scrunchie I had laying around. You could put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a towel or if your hair is shorter, you don’t have to mess with this step at all.

-I meant to leave it in for 45 while I worked out on my recumbent bike but then life happened as it does. So around the 2 hour mark I was able to move on to the next step. Leave it in for 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you need a real kick in the hair, you could totally leave it in over night. In this case, I would choose the shower cap or towel option of wrapping.

-Wash it out and prepare to be amazed and dazzled! I had to wash my hair twice. Depending on your hair and the oil you use expect to have to wash it up to 3 times.

cedarwood, lavender, hair treatment, lemon, essential oil, deep conditioning treatment, DIY hair treatment, dry hair treatment, homemade conditioner, scalp treatment, dry scalp, olive oil, -I rarely blow dry my hair but felt like I should do something immediately damaging to my hair right after treating it. Brains and what they think are interesting and often without logic huh?

-The frizzy-dry deal that had started to occur was just gone. The crunchiness had disappeared. I was so happy with the results! I made people touch my hair. A LOT. They were impressed. Even people on the Internet who saw the pic of my “After Hair” complimented the results. You guys, people on the Internet were nice, THEY WERE NICE!

I included a pic of my hair a couple days after the treatment so you can check out the video I listed above, cringe, then look at the pic and see this stuff freaking works.

Please be prepared for comments like:
"Can I touch your sexy hair?" YES
"Wow, what are you doing different to your hair?" This one thing!
"I'm touching your hair!" Which would become a lecture from me about personal space but that's a rant for social media.
"Did you color or cut your hair?" Nope.
"You look like you're feeling great!" Yes, I feel great, touch my hair.

3 weeks later and it is still soft and not at all dry!

If you can't wait to learn more about the wonders of essential oils click here you hippie!

Thanks for checking out my recipe! If you have questions or comments let me know below or you can email me at dsomersyl@gmail.com
