everything about your dogs

#Animal #Regulations for #Breeding

Just like there are regulations on wild animals and hunting....
There should be regulations on domesticated animals and breeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only because people CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT and WILL NOT!!!!!!!! control themselves!
Especially when there's money involved!

Rather than continue to WHINE about overcrowded shelters and hoarders and animal abuse, why not just make use of the legal system that was created for those who are not evolved enough to SELF-regulate?

Anyone caught breeding animals out of season and without proper licensing gets JAIL TIME & a FINE! Yes, jail time!!! It is NOT a victimless crime!!!

Make licensing an opportunity to EDUCATE and BACKGROUND CHECK. Treat them like pedophiles! Those that are honest and truly love animals and specific breeds should GLADLY embrace such things.
Licensing should include an EXTENSIVE education on ALL ASPECTS of animals and their care.

Also, take the money saved from emptying shelters to create specific Animal Cops in ALL cities! Not just the big ones who get on TV. Let these officers be extensively educated on all things animals as well, and give them the authority to cite and arrest people that are abusing animals.

Unwanted animals are an EPIDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A PANDEMIC even!!!
This is as simple as anything else to solve.
#Cesar #Millan I'm calling you out!
You have the position and money to make something like this happen.
At least get the ball rolling.
Sad to say, there are MANY people who have never heard of Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer.

I'd be willing to participate in such efforts.
But I won't do it alone.
The world is too vicious in these days for that!

Take this idea and RUN WITH IT you fools!!!
