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Oil Cleansing Method: Easy How-To

Do you know what the Oil Cleansing Method is? When I started to get more into natural beauty by ditching anything chemical laden and DIYing a lot of my products, I kept hearing about this method.
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 Basically you clean your face with oil. I know it seems like it won’t work because you’re putting oil on oil and dirt. Remember in Science class when they talk about like attracting like? Well that oil you put on your face attracts the oil and dirt on your face and in your pores. Cool right?
Can I be honest? I loved the idea but all the recipes I was finding were complicated and it called for several expensive oils that I was not willing to spend the money on just to have it not work. Finally I thought; my skin loves olive oil, what if I just use that?
Guess what, it worked! I have been using the oil cleansing method ever since! That weird oily T-zone and dry cheek combination skin I had was gone in just a week or so of using this! My face is so soft, my eyes are way less dry and uncomfortable. I was so excited because everything I had used in the past would not work, make my skin worse or, the worst outcome, I would have an allergic reaction. My skin does not take kindly to chemicals. Even products that claimed to be natural could make me rash out. Boo!
***Here check out ewg.org to see how safe your beauty products are.
olive oil, nontoxic beauty, chemical free, natural beauty, lavender, natural moisturizer, clean face, oil cleansing method, ocm, diy beauty, face cleansing, cedarwood, essential oils, young living, clean face with oil

Here’s my super simple Oil Cleansing Method Recipe!
Face Cleansing-
-2oz glass dropper bottle with good olive oil in it
-2 dropper fulls of the olive oil (about a TBLS) 
-A wet washcloth with hot water on it, rung out
-1-2 drops olive oil 
-1-2 drops Lavender or Cedarwood 
(Check your third party reference guide for ideas on other essential oils that support skin) 
Spread the oil all over your skin including your eyes. Rub it in well. Place the hot washcloth over the face and press it in. Leave until the washcloth begins to cool to room temperature. (If putting a washcloth over your face makes you feel like you’re suffocating, watch my video tutorial and I will show you a few tricks to avoid this!) Take it off and use it to wipe off the oil and dirt. That’s it! So easy right?!
I would suggest using a white or very light colored cloth the first time you try the oil cleansing method because I think you may be shocked at the crap that comes off your face!
Here’s more information about the brand of essential oils I use.
You can watch my video tutorial here:

If you run into any issues when you start the oil cleansing method, my friend Sherri who blogs at overthrowmartha has put together a wonderful post about Troubleshooting since there is so much confusing information on the interwebs you know? You can check it out here!
She also goes over which oils and essential oils are good for what skin type!

Be Well,
