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Simple Hot Molasses Tea Recipe

I was feeling so run down recently and needed a few new tools for energy support and this hot comforting beverage is one thing I have added to my regular routine. When I am feeling a bit tired or in need of some energy, this always works to give me that pep back in my step! Plus it is a sweet because of the molasses with a deep flavor while the lemon brings in a little sour/acidy note. If you make it with tea then you can play with the flavor even more! I love to have things like this in my back pocket that work but also taste great! 
tea, tea recipe, natural energy support, fatigue, tazo tea, molasses, molasses recipes, black strap molasses, lemon, lemon recipes, whole food, real food, coffee alternative, hot tea, sweet tea, brewed tea, hot molasses drink
Let’s get right into the recipe:
-8-10oz of hot/boiling water
-1 slice to 1 whole lemon’s worth of juice
*Optional 1 tea bag or 1 serving of loose tea brewed –Might I suggest an apple cinnamon tea?
Boil your water and steep your tea for the desired length of time. Add your molasses and stir until dissolved/blended. Add your lemon juice. Anytime I am using food for my health, I always choose organic so I would recommend all your ingredients here be organic.
Do you know what molasses is and how it’s made; it’s quite fascinating. Molasses is a dark, thick, syrupy liquid derived from the process of refining sugar. It’s a byproduct of sorts. It is a common ingredient in BBQ Sauce, cocktails as well as baked goods. Although I am not much of a baker so haven’t used it in that capacity. I have added it to a hot toddy and all I can say is YUM!
tea, tea recipe, natural energy support, fatigue, tazo tea, molasses, molasses recipes, black strap molasses, lemon, lemon recipes, whole food, real food, coffee alternative, hot tea, sweet tea, brewed tea, hot molasses drink
Did you know that Black Strap Molasses is a super food? It totally is! It’s got tons of nutrients in it like Iron, Calcium and Magnesium!
Iron supplements often cause constipation so getting your Iron in other ways like this Molasses Tea is way to avoid that fun side effect!
If you are not big on dairy or avoid it altogether, here’s a nice way to get some extra Calcium.
Almost everyone is deficient in Magnesium so if you add this recipe to your arsenal, you’ll be ahead of the game!
Vitamin C increases Iron absorbency in the body as well as other minerals. See so that lemon full of vitamin C is an important component to the recipe.

Let me know if you try this recipe and how you liked it!
Here's the video where I talk more about the recipe and show you exactly how to make it:

Be Well,
