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A Parade of Malevolent Misfits

The Trump administration is a parade of malevolent misfits, broken souls, and incoherent babblers.

If we were told that three dead hookers had been found buried in the backyard of a White House staffer, the only question would be which one? You can plug in almost any name and there would be no real surprise. Steve Bannon? Check. Carter Page? Check. Michael D. Cohen? Check. Steve Miller? Check. Eric Trump? Check. Michael Flynn and son? Check. Sebastian Gorka? Check. Roger Stone? Check.

Everyone can see it; it’s a parade of creepy people whose commonality across the spectrum seems to be intellectual and emotional dysfunction.

Every, staffer, nominee or associate is incompetent, lazy, incurious, and overtly malevolent, from Donald Trump to Betsy Devos, from Melania Trump to Paul Manafort, and from Anthony Scaramuchi to Corey Lewandowski. Ben Carter seems to be swimming in an ether of beta-blockers. Sara Huckabee Sanders has the kind of detachment-inside- chaos that one would expect from someone whose brother first hanged and then slit the throat of a dog for the fun of watching it die.

The good news, if there is any, is that these folks are so dim-witted as to leave fingerprints all over the crime scene, and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is on them like a terrier on a rat. I have seen Mueller, and I would not bet on the rats!
