everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label dog food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog food. Show all posts

Feeding Your Dog – Why Go Holistic

Just as we should be concerned about the food we eat, we should also be concerned about what we feed our dogs. But what really is a healthy dog food? According to dog experts, a healthy dog’s diet must contain 50% veggies, 40% meat and 10% whole grains. Understanding what the label says is important in choosing your dog’s food.

Watch out for dog foods that contain too many by-products (chicken beaks, feet, bones, etc.), artificial preservatives (BHA, BHT, Ethoxyquin) and fillers. This is why pet owners are advised to go holistic when it comes to feeding their pets. What are the benefits of holistic or natural dog food ?

Why Go Holistic:Your dog would be healthier. Because holistic dog foods do not contain chemicals or preservatives, you will be giving your pet the chance to become healthier and live longer. A holistic diet reduces the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Holistic is cheaper on the budget. Switching to a holistic diet for your dog is actually cheaper. In fact, you can  try making your own holistic dog food using natural and fresh ingredients that are easily available in the market. You can find holistic dog food recipes online that you can try yourself. However, before you do, don’t forget to consult your veterinary to make sure that it’s safe for dog consumption.

Reputable manufacturers of holistic dog foods use only high-quality, “human-grade” ingredients. The best brands may be a bit more expensive than others, but that’s because they use only 100% natural ingredients. Needless to say, the price alone cannot guarantee the safety and quality of a brand. Dog owners may need to do more research to pick the right brand.

When it comes to feeding pets, don’t forget that canines and humans have different nutritional needs. Some foods that are perfectly healthy and good for humans may actually be dangerous for dogs. Again, always check with your vet before changing your dog’s diet.

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Human Foods that Can Be Fatal For Dogs

Some foods that we eat as humans are not safe or even fatal for canines. So before you give your dog anything that you eat, make sure that it’s safe. Here are some of the foods that humans often eat which can be life-threatening for dogs.

• Chocolates. Even an ounce of chocolate (especially dark chocolate) can be fatal for dogs. Symptoms like vomiting and seizure may not show up right away but it can lead to comma and even death.

• Ham and bacon. Both contain too much salt and fat which can cause pancreatitis. Eating salty foods can also lead dogs to drink too much water which can cause bloating and death.

Onions and garlic. Both can destroy a canine’s red blood cells and may cause anemia.

• Grapes and raisins. Even a few pieces of grapes or raisins can cause kidney failure on dogs.

• Avocado. Avocadoes contain persin which can be damaging to the heart, lungs and other body tissues in animals. It can also lead to pancreatitis and cardiovascular malfunctions.

• Tomatoes. Tomatoes contain tomatine and atropine- enzymes that when ingested by dogs, can cause diarrhea, constipation, lethargy, difficulty in breathing, seizures, comma and death.

• Nutmeg, walnuts and macadamia nuts. For dogs, these nuts can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, trembling and paralysis.

• Caffeine. Coffee, tea and other beverages that contain caffeine are harmful for dogs. These can cause heart palpitations, cardiac arrest, and death.

• Artificial Sweeteners. These food products contain xylitol, which can cause hypoglycemia or excessively low blood sugar levels in dogs.

• Fruit pits. Pits from peach, pear, apples, cherry, plum, apricot, etc. contain cyanide. When ingested in large doses, it can be poisonous for dogs.

• Too much salt. Just like in humans, excessive salt intake can lead to kidney problems for dogs.

• Raw liver or too much cooked liver. In dogs, it can lead to bone deformities, excessive bone growth and anorexia. Watch out how frequent you feed your dogs with dog foods that contain liver. Always read the label.

• Wild mushrooms. Can cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, abdominal pain, liver and kidney damage, coma and death.

• Raw eggs. The protein called avidin in egg whites can drain your dog’s biotin (vit. B). Biotin is essential for dogs as the lack of it can cause weakness, hair loss, bone deformity, and growth retardation. Raw egg yolks also contain salmonella, which is harmful for both dogs and human.

• Cooked chicken bones. When ingested, these can splinter and tear a dog’s internal organs.

Also, check out these 17 Common Poisonous Plants for dogs and pets by the Animal Poison Control Center.

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Are You Feeding Your Dog with the Right Food?

Are you feeding your dog with the right kind of food? If you’re a dog owner, you should consider this question seriously, as what you feed your dog directly affects his health condition. How do you know which dog food is best for your pet? Here are some points to consider:

The age of your dog. Dogs have different nutritional needs depending on how old they are. “Puppies” need higher levels of protein and fat than adult or older dogs do. It’s very important not to feed an adult dog with food that is especially made for younger dogs.

Your dog’s breed. Specific dog breeds also have varying nutritional needs. Larger dog breeds such as German Shepard, Labradors and Great Danes need foods with high calcium content because they are more prone to bone and joint problems.

Your dog’s level of activity. How active is your dog? Again, a dog’s nutritional need also depends on his level of activity. Obviously, work dogs or active dogs use up more energy than dogs that don’t do much physical activity.

Your dog’s health condition. Is your dog overweight or underweight? Does your dog have allergies? (Yes, dogs can also be allergic to certain food ingredients.) Does your dog suffer from a particular disease or health condition? Does he have a problem with digestion? You need to work closely with your vet to make sure that you feed your dog with a diet that’s perfect for his condition. 

Your Budget. Of course, feeding your dog daily is a long term commitment so it’s also important to think about your budget. Most high quality dog foods (holistic dog foods and organic dog foods) in the market are obviously more expensive than ones of lower quality.  

Be realistic. If you can’t afford to buy high quality ready-made dog foods all the time, why not make your own? Look for homemade dog food recipes online and ask veteran dog breeders or your veterinarian if it’s suited for your dog. REMEMBER to consult your vet first before introducing a homemade dog food.

Dry or Wet Dog Food. Hard or dry dog foods may help in the development and care of your dog’s teeth. Older dogs may prefer wet dog food because they’re softer, easier to chew and easier to swallow. Whichever you choose, make sure that the dog food does not contain “fillers” which can be bad for your dog’s health.

What does the label say? Before buying any kind of dog food, scrutinize the label. Don’t just rely on the brand’s “cute” or “impressive” packaging. Some labels put the good ingredients first on the list but contain a lot of “fillers”. Stay away from dog foods that contain “by-products”, chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, additives, or flavors.

So-called “by-products” are actually unused inner parts from slaughtered animals (poultry or meat) such as spleen, kidneys, brain, liver, blood, bones, lungs, intestines, fat tissues, etc. Avoid labels that says “animal fat” which are actually a mix of tissue fats from different meat sources. Examples of preservatives used in dog foods are BHA, BHT, potassium sorbate, sodium nitrate, ethoxyquin, Propylene glycol, etc. Frequent consumption of these can bring about health problems and diseases.

Proper Nutrition. According to dog health experts, a healthy dog food meal must contain 40% meat, 30% fiber and 30% starch. Dogs primarily need protein but they also need starch and other nutrients found in vegetables. 

Dog food Manufacturer. Make sure that manufacturer goes through strict quality control tests by the USDA, APHIS, and EU. The company should have a complete customer contact information on the product label, just in case you may have any concern about their product.

More tips on feeding your dog:
  1. Don’t forget to give your dog fresh water after each meal.
  2. Experts recommend that adult dogs be fed twice a day for proper digestion.
  3. Dog foods that contain sunflower seed oil or fish oil are great for your dog’s skin and coat.
  4. Don’t change your dog’s food frequently as this can cause problems or complications in your dog’s digestive system. If you need to switch your dog’s diet, do it gradually.

Don’t feed your dog with everything you eat! Some human foods are okay for dogs to eat but there are certain human foods that are toxic for canines! Dogs must never be fed with chocolates, coffee, onions, garlic, grapes, macadamia nuts, mushrooms and alcohol. Doing so can pose health problems or can lead to fatal results.  

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