everything about your dogs

What do you do with a dogs body when it dies?

My dog might die soon. JW
when my dog died we buried her in the back yard, but if live somewhere where that isnt an option, a lot of places have pet cemetaries. gimme a sec and i'll get you a link http://www.4everinmyheart.com/ http://www.co-dog.com/canine/dog-health-. heres a couple links to get you started in your search for the right way to honor your deceased pet, i'm really sorry for loss, losing a pet is always hard.
you can have your dog creamated !
Many vets offer cremation services where you can get the ashes back. or just have him cremated without getting the ashes back. .otherwise they usually just end up in the landfill with the trash. :-(
You have it cremated or bury it.
I haven't had to deal with that yet, but I am told that there are people who can make a sculpture that looks like your dog, and place the ashes inside. I'l probably do that when the time comes for me.
There are cremation and burial services for animals, check your yellow pages or call a local vet and ask for the information.
Bury it
If it is in pain, take it to an animal rescue hospital and have it "put down". They take care of the body for you. I think its ok to bury it in the yard or in some woods too.
You can have him cremated, or find a special place in your yard that you designate as his. Plant flowers, even a small grave marker with his name on it. I'm sorry your dog is ill.
well there are several suggestions. First, you can bring it to a local vet and they will dispose of it. Second, you can bury it in your back yard. third you can have a doggy funeral check you local yellow pages for animal cemeteries and yes they do exist
In the past, growing up, all my pets were buried in my back yard. Now, because I know I won't live forever in my home, I will have my dogs cremated and either placed in a nice urn or box for me to keep forever.
Sorry to hear this.

wrap in a towel or blanket - or put it in a box and bury it in your yard or in a flower bed.

Be Blessed!
pet cemetery
or a private place in your own garden in which you can can look and tend to it when you feel the need
Bury it in a safe place or one of it's favorite places. Sorry about your dog. That must stink.
early sincere grief of your loss, I've got my own little pet cemetary in my 50 acre yard in Ontario. all the pets have been buried. but I had a friend who cremated his own pet.
We had Peanut 8 wonderful years before she passed on. We had her creamated and she now sleeps on the top of our waterbed.
fire up the grill and get out your best steak knives.
bury him in his favourite place in the garden
In some foreign countries and in parts of the American South, a ceremony is held, with friends and family.
Its called a Barbeque.
Or failing that a shallow grave. Next to your victims.Public parks and golf courses can be excellent sources of lightly used real estate.
It depends on where you live. In a town I lived in outside of LA, you couldn't bury your animals in your backyard under city ordinance, So the only option was cremation. It cost about $80 and your receive your dog's ashes in a very nice locked box that you can bury if you choose. I'm sorry about your dog. I know it's a tough thing to face.
Flush it down the toilet.
I am so sorry. I had to put one my dogs to sleep 18 months ago(17 yrs old) and our other one 3 months ago (16 yrs old). I still cry.
We chose to cremate our pets in a private cremation.We have their ashes on our fireplace mantel with their pictures beside them.Our township does not allow the private burials of animals. The pet can either be cremated individually or with a general cremation.
We burried our dog in the back yard. However, if that's not an option, you can have them cremated via your vet or even the local shelter.

Best wishes.
I am so sorry about your dog. We own our land, so our dogs are buried here. We have buried several of them over the years. If you live in an apartment or rent elsewhere, you might want to have the dog cremated. Or they have pet cemeteries where you can bury them. Again, I am so sorry about your dog.
BURY IT! Duh :o
Pet cemetaries offer an option and your vet will offer to cremate as well and you have the option to take the ashes.

My MIL had her old dog put to sleep after many beautiful years with her best friend. She wanted to bury her in the back yard, but to be safe about the the potential issues of contaminating local water sources, I know she added something that speeds up the decomposition of the body, I think it was lime, but not sure. You'd have to check your local ordinances tho to see and if you live in the country and choose to bury, be sure to do it safely away from any well water source.

Sorry to hear that your dog might be gone soon.
Drag him to the curb and call dead animal pick up. It it is a small animal bury him.
If someone in your family died what would you do?
my dog titan was cremated and we had his ashes mixed in a candle and the candle is in the form of the type of dog he was.
