everything about your dogs

What do you think of this name for a golden?

What do you think of the name Honor for a Golden Retriever, he's only five months, he's gunna be at least 100 pounds, and he's gunna have a short mussel. Isn't it cute??
Sounds like a good name to me. They say the best way to decide is to try calling the dog that name a couple times and see how you like it. But I think its a great name.
thats a very nice name.
yup.kiss the pup for me!
ummm, sure! cute
that is a very interesting name very nice
If it fits the dog, then it is good.
if you like the name go for it. honor does have a nice ring to it.
that's cute
Pat Honor and give him a rub on the tummy for me.

I think it's an awesome name.

I love it, what a great and strong name.
aww. noble and cute.

you might try Mr. Chumblemumbles too.
Love it. You should definatly keep it. It's a one of a kind.
Nice, different I like it. Good Choice.
Honor sounds like a great name for a golden retriever! Sounds like a gorgeous dog!
that is a good name for a dog keep it
Your dog is going to be a member of your family. Would you want to name a child Honor?
Great name for a dog especially a golden retriever.
Well, if the dog ever developed dandriff, you could rename it golden flakes!
cutie or maybe sunny or shine or sparkle or maybe even goldy locks! lol. im not trying to make fun of you're dog though!
Good pick!
