everything about your dogs

what do you think of a germen sheperd and dobermen mix?

i have 4 kids 2, 4, 8, 11 and she is 2 yrs old and just got fix are they good dogs around children
I had a g.sheperd/doberman mix and he was great with my kids..just be sure to teach her and the kids some ground rules..kids shouldn't bother the dog while she's sleeping, eating or chewing on a bone..and the dog shouldn't be allowed to play to rough with the kids..or act aggressive with them.Since the dog is already two years old be sure to supervise at all times around the little ones until you are assured that she tolerates small chidren well. I had my dog for 13 years,he passed on 5 years ago, and we never had any problems.Good luck to you and your family and I wish you many, many years with your new addition to the family..
Both breeds can be great with children, so a mix has that potential. A lot of it depends on whether she's lived in a home with them before and if she genuinely seems to like them.
A wonderful dog for kids. Both are protective of their family. As long as she doesn't come with bad habits I don't see a problem getting her. Maybe you can have the chance for a trial visit first to see how she acts around kids. Even though both breeds are good with kids its usually best to get a puppy, if she hasn't been around kids it might be a too much for her. Overall a good choice but I would strongly suggest a trial visit with her age.
I'm not sure i would purchase a large adult dog, if you have children at home, you have no idea how the dog will react while eating, sleeping, being tugged on, laid on etc. i would not take the chance it takes one bite. if you want a dog , start with a puppy that you can train and know completely.
what I heard is that German Shepperd's and dobermans are good dogs to have around kids, they r also very protective and gentle around kids and will protect them like they were there own.
Just based on the breeds, it would be a good match for kids. But as with any dog you shouldn't leave it unsupervised around your small children. Little kids often don't yet fully understand how to treat dogs and you don't want them learning the hard way. As a general rule, the bigger the dog the better they are with kids. Little dogs tend to be more nervous and anxious around little hands, sudden movements, and loud noises.

Try a supervised visit with her and the kids and see how it goes. If she seems really skittish or aggressive then you need to reconsider. And definitely be sure to find out if she is food aggressive or not! Good luck!
Both breeds are very protective dogs. They are also big dogs which means that if you are not careful the dog could hurt one of your children seriously.

I had a doberman and currently own a german sheppard mix, they can be excellent with kids, but it depends on how the dog was raised. Very important to know: Has it been with kids since it was a puppy? Have you seen how the the dog acts around your kids? Does it want to play and is really happy and friendly to be around them, or does she seem to shy away and act annoyed?

If it were a puppy, I would say go for it, the pup will grow with your kids and get used to them, but a 2 year old dog of that size and those breeds, and with your own kids being so young, I would be nervous.

Again, it depends on the dog, but please make sure the dog has been socialized from a very young age with kids and make sure your kids know how to respect the dog because it could be a dangerous mix.
They can be great with children high energy though. As long as she does not bite. The 8 and 11 year old should be fine but watch her around the little ones she may play to rough. Make sure you establish you are the master and she is the dog. Other wise you can run into a problem of her thinking she is head of the pack. She is a very smart bread of dog.
Could be hard headed and will take time to train. Dobermans tend to test the people in the house to see who is in charge and the 2 %26 4 year olds are not going to be able to easily handle the dog and should not be unsupervised with any dog.
It could be fine depends on the tempermant of the dog and how good she is with children.
Neither is the best dog for kids as both will take direction from an adult far better than children.
YUCK! Just a horrible MUTT/MONGREL.

NOTHING is predictable about ANY MUTT/MONGREL,which,of course,is the POINT of pure bred animals!

NO dog should be subjected to torment by human offspring!
