everything about your dogs

what foods cant dogs eat?

chocolate (very toxic),
macadamia nuts,
Pear pips,
the kernels of plums,
peaches and apricots,
apple core pips (contain cyanogenic glycosides resulting in cyanide posioning)
Potato peelings and green looking potatoes
Rhubarb leaves
Mouldy/spoiled foods
Yeast dough
Coffee grounds, beans %26 tea (caffeine)
Hops (used in home brewing)
Tomato leaves %26 stems (green parts)
Broccoli (in large amounts)
Raisins and grapes
Cigarettes, tobacco, cigars
Chocolate is toxic.
i recommend iams ..they cant eat chocolat e
Chocolate, raisins and garlic are especially bad. But it's a good idea not to feed them people food at all.
Don't give then chocolate. and mostly human food and esp don't give them little bones like chicken bones
Food's they shouldn't be eating!
Chocolate can be deadly for dogs.

skins clog their buttholes.
large quantities of chocolate is bad for them. about a pound and a half can kill a 50 lb dog.
they can't eat too much chocolate and also grape skins and raisins for some reason. I don't recommend feeding them large quantities of dairy products either unless you like to pick up 'mr whippy' style dog poos
it has always been said that dogs should not consume chocolate of any kind, it has been known to kill canines when they have ingested it, now for some it doesn't do anything-but why risk it?
obviously chocolate. But other than that; things with small bones such as chicken or fish should be avoided. Bones that don't requiring chewing to be swallowed can get lodged in their throats- not pretty.
I've heard that you are not supposed to feed dogs chocolate. Any other food in excess will make him/her fat and frumpy.
If your dog is anything like mine, she can eat anything. But, here is a list of foods that could be seriously harmful:

Cocoa Mulch
Fatty Foods
Artificial Sweeteners
Turkey Skin
grapes %26 raisins can damage their kidneys.
human chocolate %26 onions, r toxic 2 dogs.
Chocolate (can cause a sudden heart attack), pork (high fat) and chicken drumsticks (they can choke).
they die w/chocolate
garlic and chocolate for sure.
any human or others food that is not made for dogs espesially onions beer and chocolate
Chocolate kills them
Pork gives them arthritus
Well the only thing I'd give a dog is spagetti because I heard that it's good for there coat and also doesn't kill your grass, also good for when you have a dog that eats it's own poo, something about spagetti sauce makes them hate the smell of there poo. That would be the only thing I would give a dog to eat other than its dog food of course.
NO CHOCOLATE, AND WHEAT SOY AND CORN!! Wheat is hard for them to digest, soy has no nutrient value for them and is also hard to digest and corn is so high in sugar that it causes problems like diabetes. By products are also a thing that i won't feed my dogs cause there is no positive nutrients in it.
Grapes, raisins, chocolate, and cafinated products such as coffee are toxic to dogs. Grains can also be problematic for some dogs.

Dogs should not have refined sugars as it can lead to diabetes in them as well. Junk food is another leader in pet obesity and is bad for their overall well beingness. Although not toxic to the dog, it is still not good for them.
Dogs should only eat dog food. Please do not feed him / her ANY people food. If you want to keep a dog in good health for a long time DO NOT feed them anything but dog food.
