everything about your dogs

What if my puppy eats catfood by mistake?

Not allot I would imagine but if your really worried phone the vet!
He is going to be OK
Cat food is richer and may upset his stomach.
No longterm effects, it may upset his stomach for a short while, but it won't harm him.
The cat food may make your puppy sick. Don't let it eat anymore cuz it's not good for them. Dogs can't digest cat food very well and it has too much fat and protein in it for dogs.
It will not hurt him but if he eats cat food regularly will for since it is a dog puppy he needs dog puppy food since its nutritional requirements are different from a cat. He will not grow up to be a healthy dog
Thats ok however cat food is higher in fat
it does not matter my dogs love catfood
No big deal. My dog sometimes gets into the cat's food and vice versa. As long as it's not habitual your puppy will be fine.
he ate cat food so what. my friends dog ate a sock. at least cat food is a food
Unfortunately, your puppy will die.
good for it.
Whenever one of our dogs would get into the cat food it would give them gas, other than that it didn't hurt the dog.
dont worry about it.
my dog eats catfood all the time and has no problems
It won't hurt him, but he's better off eating puppy food. Dogs actually prefer cat food because it tastes better and sweeter to them. That's all my dog used to eat.
We live with horses, I won't tell you what they eat if they can get it, cat food won't hurt your puppy once in a while.
Now, he'll just have CAT BREATH!! yuck
It won't really hurt the dog. Cat food is much higher in fat. If your dog eats a lot of cat food, he/she could become overweight, that's all.
If it was a dry cat food no need for concern,but if it was a canned cat food,it may contain shivers of bone in it from fish or whatever kind of food it was.It will most probably have a little stomach upset,but will be fine if it is the dry kibbles,if canned would check with my vet and ask .
That is aful! I would keep my eye on your dog..if he starts meowing.call the vet! : )
Its fine, he may not get use to eating food like that but it is noot much different from dog food.
Whenever mine sneak into the cat food they always have really wet runny poop.
Nothing will happen, your puppy will problably fart alot
