everything about your dogs

what if your dog is a stray and she keeps runing when you open the door?

That is a VERY hard habit to break when they were strays. You have to keep it positive - no yelling at her or being angry when she takes off. Make it fun for her to come back to you, eg. treats, or whatever works. In time, she will learn that you want her to be with you. Good luck!
Try a shock coller , And make the perimater around your property.
She will learn very quickly not to leave. They can be found on ebay.

no their not cruel , i think its crueler to take no action and then your dog gets run over.

Hope it solves your problem
first of all, if the dog is a pet, its not stray. Anyway, get a leash, and let's just say, get ready for a long walk. maybe run! The dog probably wants something outside. My dog does it all the time. Well, she will sit like a statue outside and all the sudden start running. It may sound wierd but its normal
smack that pooch
then you better get some Obedience training for your dog.

if your dog is a stray that means you dont own it.. and an owner may be looking for it - you should report finding it to the local SPCA or humane society.

if however it is YOUR dog and you simply havent taught it proper manners I suggest you do so.
My dog has done that for 6 years, the key is NEVER let them out without a leash or collar. I have a tag on him that has a 1-800 # to a hotline for lost pets. He has never understood that he should stay with me, he has gotten out and real lost once but he was found by a neighbor and called the 1-800 #. He almost gets so excited that he's loose he just bolts. keep your eye on her and be prepared, good luck!
I can help with this, but I need to know a few things . What is the age of your dog, approx.?
Is your dog obedient when it is in the house or yard? When in the house will it come to you when called? Will it sit on command? Will it stay when told? I ask these because if it does not obey in the house, it will not obey when outdoors. You have to determine if your dog is being disobedient, or if it just does not understand and needs to be trained. Let me know.
The obvious method is showing it love until it earns your respect and starts to trust you more. The more you show it love and continue to feed it and keep it in your house, the more it will grow to the surroundings and stop trying to flea out to find it's mother or family, I assume it's trying to do.

Be patient with it because it probably doesn't trust you yet.
Keep it away from the door and tell it no. My moms dog was/is like that we started telling him no when we would go near the door and he would sit down and not try to run out it, but you have to tell them no in a stern voice.
does he run to you, away from you or out the door. I have an abandoned dog who is very needy and affectionate. when I come home and open the door she will often run out of the house. I think that she had been abused in the past and is afraid that she will be punished when someone gets home. Luckily she is not looking for her freedom and does not go far, just outside next to the house. I think that a stray needs to be understood and that if you try to trace the behaviors to what is mayabe causing them it will help.
There are several things you can do.
First, train the dog to consistantly "sit."
Then, teach her to "sit" any time she comes to the door.

If she is a door runner, you may have to do some training with her using the door itself.

Open the door a little. When you see her charge at the door, or get up from the sit, quickly close the door. Do this over and over and over until she stays seated when the door is opened a little.

Then open the door a little wider and repeat until you can open the door fully while she stays seated (or laying down if your prefer.)

To change a behavior like this takes time and patience. It can be done if you are consistant, which means everyone in the family has to close the door anytime she starts to charge it or gets up from a sit.

Do not use a shock collar. Dogs are smart and know when the shock collar is on, and when it's off. They will learn to not run the door when it's on, but will still run out when they know it is off of their neck. A shock collar is not meant to be left on full time.

You can also install a baby gate a few feet from the door, if you have the space and the advantage of two walls to attach it to. This will give you a barrier and I would suggest the one with a locking walk through gate, that you can quickly close.

Another method would include the use of a prong collar, but you would need someone to teach you how to fit and use one properly, as slipping the collar over the dog can cause eye unjury. The prongs are rounded or blunt, so they do not puncture the dog.

