everything about your dogs

what is a better house dog BULLDOG or YORKSHIRE TERRIER?

yorkie i had one when i was 6 and they play with kids
and bulldogs kinda just go to sleep
Yorkshire terrier
youkshire.. thats a no brainer
Bulldogs are a lot calmer and laid back indoors than terriers, but they tend to slobber a lot more.
I think Yorkshire Terriers are
a yorkie they are better to train to me i had a bull dog for eleven years but after butch died i decided to get a yorkie they are small and easy to train
A better house dog is definitely a greyhound. They look like miniature horses when they have a bit more weight on them. They do not require lots of exercise. However to answer your question I truly believe it is up to you to teach the dog to be a better house dog. So in answer, either breed, I'm leaning towards the bulldog.
If you had to clean up an accident, would you rather clean up after a yorkie or a bulldog. How about that slobber?? Bulldogs make such a mess with it. A yorkie, no slobber. As for looks, a yorkie wins hands down. Nothing cute about a bulldog. I don't like big dogs for house dogs.
bulldogs hand down, i like yorkies and all but unless you want a REALLY high strung dog i would go with a bulldog, i recently just go a bulldog puppy and i've never had a dog with such personality, he love to just hang out, or go for walks, and he is the easiest dog i have ever trained. they are just a great breed all around, really research the breed though, english bulldogs tend to have health problems, try to look up an olde english bulldog (my pup in pic) they are great and no heath problems at, the greatest joy in my life!
YORKSHIRE duh. a peice of cheese would of known that!
Yorkshire terrier
We have a yorkie and a Siberian Husky. The little dog is definitley better indoors. He crawls up on our laps and sleeps in the bed with us.He's kind of a spaz sometimes but he is a total loving lapdog.
i like the bulldogs
