everything about your dogs

A Pity Party For Me!

Sorry I have not been blogging much lately.
Just have really been out of sorts for the last couple of months.

I can not wait for 2013 to be over.
It has been a tough year.

Tax issues at the beginning of the year. (I do my own taxes now)

It has also been a year of record no-shows, and late cancellations.
This is usually not that big of a problem, because we have a waiting list to fall back on, but for some reason this year, more often than not, the people on the waiting list are not available to replace the appointments.
I know that every groomer out there deals with no-shows and late cancellations, and they each deal with them in different ways.
I just haven't found anything that works yet  (for me) to stop the no-shows and cancellations.

We are also dealing with the Health Insurance issues.
My premiums really went up last year when my husband turned 50.
Then they went through the roof when I turned 50 also this year.
We are at our max.
We just can't afford to pay any higher of a premium.
So, next month, when the new insurance laws come into effect, we may lose the good insurance that we have had since I opened my shop.
I have already been told, that as of Oct. 1st, my premium will go up significantly.

So, we shell see.....

The worst of all this year has been the sudden and unexpected passing of my Mom last month.
Still dealing with that one.....

I have also been dealing with a lot of angle pain for the last 6 months.

This is what I will be wearing for the next month and possibly beyond. (let's hope not)

I have sever tendinitis, and because I waited so long to go to the doctors and favored my foot too much, I also have plantar fasciitis (heel spur).

The result of standing for 30 years for 12 or more hours a day.

I just can't sit and groom. :(

Now I will have to walk around Groom Expo with this thing on.

Speaking of Groom Expo.....

To top everything off so far this year.
My daughter and I were supposed to be competing in the Rescue  Round-up together.
I found out yesterday that my on-line registration did not go through.
Jess will be competing, but I will not.
Even though we called to confirm the on-line registration the next day, they some how missed my registration for the rescue round-up.
My Mom passed away a few days after I registered, and I never checked the confirmation letter they sent till yesterday. :(

I am registered to compete in the Abstract runway.
I had planed on using my girl Hanna.
A couple of weeks ago I noticed that she was starting to have some skin issues.
I thought that I got it under control until this past weekend.
As of today, she is now on meds for a skin infection. :(

I will still be competing, but I will be using my other Standard, Lily.
She is a sweetheart, but I stopped trying to compete with her a few years ago, because she refuse to let the Judges touch her.
Thankfully, the Judges for the abstract do not touch the dogs, they just look.
I spent a couple of hours after work tonight scissoring one side of her.
Tomorrow I will do the other side.
No room for error, no time for hair to grow back if I make a mistake.

I am looking forward to Groom Expo just to get away for a while and forget everything.
Hopefully it will give me a boost.
Hopefully it will get me back on track, and I will get back to writing again.

Okay, pity party over.
Sorry about the whine. :/
I really need to get back to the Happy Grooming.

I do plan on taking a lot of pictures and sharing them with everyone. :)

Happy Grooming
