everything about your dogs

So Sorry!

I am sorry to say that I really messed up yesterday and uploaded the wrong PDF file.
It was a file containing the Mat Chart and Flash Cards, but they were the unedited ones.
They had all kinds of errors on them.
I was using them as I was testing making a PDF file, so if I screwed up, it would not matter if I somehow lost the work.
I did not want to lose the corrected work. 

I had a couple of different PDF files for the Mat Chart on my desktop.
One good and one bad.
I uploaded the wrong one.
I was so happy that everything worked that I didn't even check the file once I finished uploading it.

How embarrassing.

This mess up is one reason why I did not want to charge people for the chart and flash cards.
Graphic Design is fun to work on, but I am by no means a professional at it.
The chart and flash cards are just meant to be a helper for groomers to show an owner of a matted dog, while the groomer adds all the extra detail that they need to.

When I checked my e-mails this morning, the very first blog commenter asked if I was going to fix all of the spelling and grammar errors.


Oh No!!

I knew what I had done right away. Grrrrr

All I had time for before work this morning was to remove the error filled file.
My heart also sank when I saw that 49 people had already downloaded that wrong file.

Once again I am so sorry to anyone who already downloaded the file full of spelling and grammar errors.

Here is the new link for the corrected file.

At least I am pretty sure there are no more errors.
I have proof read the darn thing so many times now that I am not even sure anymore.

So much for trying to be helpful to my fellow groomers.
I think that I will stick with grooming. :)

If you already downloaded the file last night, please delete that file and go back and get the Mat Chart and Flash Cards  file that does not  have errors.

Sometimes I wish that I did drink, because at least that way I could blame being drunk for messing up so badly.
But, I don't drink, so I can't use that excuse. :/

Maybe I have just inhaled too much dog hair in the last 30 years.

That's it!
I'll stick to that excuse for my stupidity. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
